History of our SSAERC

SIMPERING - SIMPERING SOULUTION FOR ASESSMEMNT, EVALUATION AND RESEARCH CENTRE (SSAERC) is an organization founded in 2012, strives to fulfill its primary objective of equipping educators with the necessary knowledge and competencies to construct assessments that are equitable, credible, and dependable, accurately gauging students' educational progress. The organization endeavours to cultivate and advocate for exemplary standards in assessment and evaluation, while concurrently extending guidance and assistance to teachers engaged in the process of formulating and executing assessments.
Simpering' is an Institution spearheaded by well-known educationalists, principals, and instructors from various Indian schools. The institute was established in 2005. The institution provides quality trainings, workshops, guidelines, and assessment tools to schools. It is registered with Ministry of Cooperative affairs Government of India. The Assessment and Evaluation services provided by Simpering are reflective practices that combine rigorous study and lead to evidence-based learning.
Simper is to smile in an unnatural or self-conscious manner. However, the organization's goal here is to give students the confidence they need to face any assessment. Students who have prepared well defy all traditional rules and face all assessments with a lovely smile, the smile of preparedness, confidence, and achievement.

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